Khmer Songs Android App

Khmer Songsare popular in Cambodia, as well as in the Khmer diaspora. They are generally love songs, but also include patriotic and folk songs. Khmer songs are sung in the Khmer language.

The first Khmer song was "Preah Reach Trop" (Love of the Land), which was written in the early 20th century. Khmer songs became more popular after the Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown in 1979.

There are many famous Khmer singers, including Sinn Sisamouth, Ros Serey Sothea, Yol Aularong, and Meas Soksophea.

Khmer songs are often composed by the singers themselves. They often tell stories or recount personal experiences.

Khmer songs are often slow and melodic. They are often accompanied by a guitar or a pinpeat (a type of xylophone)

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